Life starts at forty


I think life actually begins at forty.  You are a self confident person, finding your way aroung in this world, figuring out where you finally belong.

You go from living for others to starting to live for yourself. From celebrating only everyone else to beginning to celebrate yourself too. Its that stage where that dress you always admired in the rack to finally being the person to adorn it. You are beginning to live for yourself a little.

Its a new phase in life. More settled, more YOU.

You have always lived for others. Sometimes it is for your parents, sometimes for your partner, many times for your kids… but have you ever lived for yourself?  Times when you dress up the way you like, wear what you want to wear, get a hairstyle that you love, fill your happy space with things that describe you, define you and brings you joy and enjoy your feminity without any shame! A time where taking care of yourself doesn’t feel like vanity.

For those who love to experience that self love, are in that stage of life where you are independent, love your life and want to spend a day capturing your spirit…. we have Life begins at Forty Campaign.

Now this campaign is not just for 50 or 60 year olds. They are for all those who love the slice of life and want to celebrate themselves. Walk away with smile on your face, gorgeous portraits that remind you of how amazing you are and the wonderful moments that life has blessed you with. Age is not a bar.

We would love to share more with you. ..Are you intrigued yet? Call us and let us share the experience details with you.