FUN FACT about Sabrina from Puppy Love: She is crazy about dogs and her motto in life is ADOPT DON’T SHOP. 

When I met Sabrina, all we chatted about was dogs, rescue and how our furbabies change our life for good.  You have to be a passionate pet lover to know that you don’t adopt a dog, the dog adopts you. You don’t rescue a pet, they rescue you.

During this lockdown we have seen a surge in pet adoptions. Question is are you ready to find the right breed that works with your lifestyle and train your puppy? Are you ready to take this commitment for the next 10 years?  

We chatted with Sabrina and she answered. Hope this helps.

Adopting a pet from a shelter or rescue is a win-win, for you and the pet.

Why should you adopt?

Because you’ll save a life. The number of euthanized animals could be reduced dramatically if more people adopted pets instead of buying them. When you adopt, you save a loving animal by making them part of your family and open up shelter space for another animal who might desperately need it.

Here are some thoughts to consider when looking to adopt a pet.

Am I looking for a 10-year commitment?

Do I still want a dog or cat when the pandemic is over?

The financial cost to having a pet.

Do I have time for a puppy as they require a lot of time and training the first year?

How can I find pets available for adoption in my area and how to research what kind of dog is best for your lifestyle?

Rescues in the bay area:

Who is PuppyLove?


Puppy Love is an employee wellness experience that brings mood enhancing, morale boosting connections to each and every event, reduces stress and increases productivity through interactive time with rescue puppies in a comfortable, fun setting.

 20% of all our proceeds are donated back to our rescue and animal shelter partners. Bringing Puppy Love into your workplace directly benefits animals in our community.

 Looking to do a corporate event or have some puppies on your next zoom meeting? 


Call PuppyLove at 925-269-7297

Sabrina Freed

Find out more about adoption shelters and rescues here :

Dog adoptions, rescue dogs, rescues of bay area, puppy love, bringing puppies to corporate offices, cute puppy pics, adoption for pets, adopt a pet, dog rescues,rescue animals,bringing home a puppy,puppy breeds, dog breeds