Have you ever admired maternity boudoir photography, but thought you might be too shy to try it? It’s actually a lot of fun! If you’re pregnant, documenting your changing body is one of the most special things you can do. Part of being a good mom is also making time for yourself and your needs, but this is something that’s easy to forget when you’re excited about the birth of a new child.
The best way to take care of yourself when you’re pregnant is by being gentle with your body, and also making time for things you enjoy. But it can be difficult, especially if you have a long list of tasks that need to get done, and not enough time in the day.
This blog post will give you some quick ideas on how to pamper yourself when you’re pregnant, so you can feel great about all the changes you’re experiencing—inside and out.
1) Maternity Boudoir Photography
One of the most creative and artistic ways a new mama can pamper herself is by scheduling a maternity photo session. Keep in mind, there are different styles and themes to choose from, like maternity boudoir photography, so you have some options before deciding which style is right for you. Of course, more traditional maternity portraits are also a great way to document your journey, and celebrate your baby’s impending birth. Plus, you can even schedule a newborn photography session for after the big day.
2) Take a Prenatal Yoga Class
If you’re looking to connect with your body, taking a prenatal yoga class is a great way to build strength with flexibility. These sessions will help strengthen your core muscles and improve your posture, which can help make your recovery easier after the baby arrives, and also reduce any tension.
3) Schedule a Massage
Gentle massage is shown to be especially helpful in managing discomfort and easing stress, as well as relieving side effects like nausea and insomnia that are commonly associated with pregnancy.
4) Plan a Pedicure
Having a pedicure while pregnant can be a relaxing and enjoyable way to pamper yourself during pregnancy! You deserve it, mama. Choose your favorite colors and enjoy being spoiled. You can also make a day of it and invite your friends. Plus, getting all dolled up before your maternity boudoir photography is a lot of fun.
5) Make Time For Your Favorite Hobby
Make time for a hobby that you enjoy—whether it’s hiking, gardening, or visiting museums. Learning new recipes is a great idea, too, so you can stock the freezer with healthy meals, and won’t need to worry about cooking right away after the baby arrives. One of the best things about hobbies is that they don’t have to be expensive or complicated. Inexpensive hobbies can include scrapbooking, or other creative interests, like painting.
Schedule Maternity Boudoir Photography
And don’t forget about taking care of your mental health, too, by getting enough sleep and staying active! We hope this blog post has inspired you to find time to pamper yourself. You deserve it! If you’ve been thinking about scheduling a maternity photo shoot, we can help with that, too. Contact us at Pooja Photography today by dialing (925) 967-4245. Oh, and congratulations on your new bundle of joy!